In the autumn of 1941, a russian field baker took over the city of Syvär: The production of dough and dough. Syväri city 1942.08.10
Weigh the bread before sending them from the bakery.
Tuntsa. The neck (or white water) of Deer River. Alakurtti (Salla) 1941.09.26 In the autumn of 1941, Mäkiluoto's heavy 8-inch radiator cannon fired Russian ship escorts evacuating Hanko's troops. Mäkiluoto 1941.00.00 Lahti-Saloranta's two-pipe 20mm it-cannon (captain Björkstam's lightweight it-radiator north of Säämäjärvi). VII CoR Commander Major Peura gets acquainted with the cannon. Säämäjärvi 1941.09.23 The heavy mortar of the Finnish (Tampella) in operation. Vermanjoki 1941.10.14 The text of the railway cut and the star, etc. from 1940. Säämäjoki, station 1941.09.02
The M1 Combat Car, officially Light Tank, M1, was a light tank used by the US Cavalry in the late 1930s and developed at the same time as the infantry's very similar M2 light tank. After the Spanish Civil War, most armies, including the US Army, realized that they needed tanks armed with cannons, not merely vehicles armed with machine guns, and so the M1 became obsolete. M1A1 light tank of an unidentified training unit, 1941. This variant (17 built in 1937) received a new octagonal turret. The hull was 40 cm longer (to 4.44 m – 17 ft 7 in) and the two bogies were farther apart. The next M1A1E1 (7 produced) received a new Guiberson diesel engine. They led to the development of the M2 light tank. Battle of France 1940 cause the reasons assembly to 37 mm cannon ---------- The National Defense Act of 1920 set tanks as the responsibility of the infantry and the general staff defined the purpose of tanks as the support of infantry units. Light tanks were defined as weighing five tons or less – so they could be carried by trucks – and medium tanks no greater than 15 tons to meet bridge weight limits. With very tight restrictions on spending, tank development in the US was limited to a couple of test vehicles a year. Civil War veterans (wearing Grand Army of the Republic uniforms) inspect an M1 Combat Car at the 1939 World's Fair in New York ---------- The mechanization of the army was promoted by General Douglas MacArthur (Chief of Staff of the US Army) who believed that the cavalry should have tanks for an exploiting role rather than acting in support of the infantry. To allow US Army cavalry units to be equipped with armored fighting vehicles, the tanks developed for the cavalry were designated "combat cars". In the mid-1930s, the Rock Island Arsenal built three experimental T2 light tanks inspired by the British Vickers 6-ton tank. At the same time, they built a light tank similar to the T2 for the cavalry – the T5 combat car. The only major difference between the two was that the T5 used vertical volute suspension while the T2 had leaf springs as on the Vickers. The T5 was developed further and the T5E2 was accepted for production as the "M1 combat car". The M1 entered service in 1937. A change to the suspension so that the idler wheel rested on the ground ("trailing") increased the length of track in contact with the ground and improved the ride. Together with a different engine and improved turret, this produced the M2 combat car. In 1940, the distinction between infantry and cavalry tank units disappeared with the establishment of the armored force to manage all tanks in the US Army. The "combat car" name was superfluous, and the cavalry unit tanks redesignated the M1 combat car as the "light tank M1A1" and the M2 combat car as the "light tank M1A2". The M1 and M2 combat cars were not used in combat by the US Army during World War II; though some were used for training purposes.
Operation Schamil was a code-name for a German Abwehr operation to airdrop special forces ahead of the main attacking force against the Soviet town of Grozny which was a major oil production and refining center and, together with Maykop and Baku, was the primary objective for the German 1942 summer offensive by Army Group A led by Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm List. It's named after Imam Shamil.
The plan called for the Lehr-Regiment Brandenburg zBV 800 (a special operations unit) to be dropped in advance of the 1st Panzer Army to establish contacts with the local insurgents, capture oil refineries by surprise, and protect them from destruction by the retreating Soviet Red Army.
In August–September 1942, five groups (57 men in total) were parachuted into the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Operation Schamil They succeeded in capturing the oil refinery in Grozny, but had to retreat when the main German army was stopped about 89 km from Grozny. One of the groups succeeded in establishing contacts with rebel leader Hasan Israilov. Additional three groups (20 men) followed in August 1943; their task was to hinder Soviet counter-offensive.
In terms of ethnic background, the 77 men were 15 Germans, 21 Ossetians, 16 Ingush, 13 Chechens, five Dagestanis, three Kabardians, two Georgians, a Russian and a Kazakh. These men were trained by the Operation Zeppelin which, over the course of the war, airdropped some 50 diversionary groups in North Caucasus and Transcaucasia.