Panzer III:n aseistus jäi nopeasti riittämättömäksi, jolloin uudelleen aseistettu Panzer IV vei sen roolin, vaikka aikaisemmin Panzer III:n pienikaliiperisempi mutta pidempiputkisempi tykki oli ollut tehokkaampi panssarintorjunta-ase. Joitain Panzer III:ia käytettiin myöhemmin toisarvoisiin tehtäviin, kuten jalkaväen tukemiseen.
11. tammikuu 1934 armeijan aseosasto määräsi Heinz Guderianin doktriiniin pohjautuen suunniteltavaksi keskiraskaan (24 tonnin) vaunun, joka pystyisi 35 km/h huippunopeuteen. Se oli tarkoitettu panssaridivisioonien päävaunuksi ja pystymään tuhoamaan vihollisen panssarivaunut.
Daimler-Benz, Krupp, MAN ja Rheinmetall valmistivat prototyypit, joita testattiin 1936 ja 1937, jolloin Daimler-Benzin prototyyppi valittiin.
Ensimmäinen Panzer III A valmistui toukokuussa 1937, ja yhteensä kymmenen vaunua valmistettiin samana vuonna. Mallit A–D olivat vielä prototyyppiasteella ja niissä on huomattavia eroja.
Esimerkiksi D-mallissa on vielä kahdeksan maantie (alatela) pyörää, kun kaikissa tuotantomalleissa niitä on kuusi. Näistä myös vain puolet aseistettiin. Vuosina 1937–1940 Kruppin valmistaman Panzerkampfwagen IV:n ja Daimler-Benzin Panzer III:n osia pyrittiin standardoimaan. Ensimmäinen malli, jota valmistettiin merkittävästi oli E vuonna 1939. Panssarointi siinä oli vahvimmillaan 30 mm.
Panzer III malleissa A:sta C:hen oli 230 hp, 12-sylinterinen Maybach HL 108 TR -moottori, joka antoi 32 km/h nopeuden. Myöhemmissä malleissa oli 320 hp, Maybach HL 120 TRM. Huippunopeus oli noin 40 km/h ja toimintamatka 150 km. Miehistöä oli viisi: johtaja, ampuja ja lataaja tornissa ja ajaja ja radisti rungossa. Radisti käytti myös rungon konekivääriä. Ensimmäisenä Saksan vaununa Panzer III varustettiin miehistön välisellä sisäpuhelimella, mikä osoittautui taistelussa tehokkaaksi järjestelmäksi.
Panzer III aseistettiin panssarintorjuntaa varten. Saksan panssarintorjuntatykki vuonna 1935 oli 37mm KwK36 L/45, joten ensimmäiset mallit aseistettiin sillä.
Panzer III was the common name of a medium tank that was developed in the 1930s by Germany and was used extensively in World War II . The official German designation was Panzerkampfwagen III Sd Kfz. 141 (abbreviated PzKpfw III) translating as "armoured fighting vehicle".
Daimler-Benz , Krupp , MAN , and Rheinmetall all produced prototypes. Testing of these took place in 1936 and 1937, leading to the Daimler-Benz design being chosen for production.
The first model of the Panzer III, the Ausführung A. (Ausf. A), came off the assembly line in May 1937; ten, two of which were unarmed, were produced in that year.
Much of the early development work on the Panzer III was a quest for a suitable suspension. Several varieties of leaf-spring suspensions were tried on Ausf. A through Ausf. D before the torsion-bar suspension of the Ausf. E was standardized. The Panzer III, along with the Soviet KV heavy tank , was one of the first tanks to use this suspension design.
A distinct feature of the Panzer III, influenced by British Vickers tanks (1924), was the three-man turret. This meant that the commander was not distracted with another role in the tank (eg as gunner or loader) and could fully concentrate on maintaining awareness of the situation and directing the tank. Most tanks of the time did not have this capability, providing the Panzer III with a combat advantage versus such tanks.
For example, the French Somua S-35 only had a one-man turret crew, and the Soviet T-34 originally had a two-man turret crew. The practical importance of this feature is signified by the fact that not only all the further German tank designs inherited it, but also later into the war, most Allied tank designs either quickly switched to the three-man turret, or they were abandoned as obsolete.
The Panzer III, as opposed to the Panzer IV, had no turret basket, merely a foot rest platform for the gunner.
The early Panzer III were equipped with a 3.7 cm KwK 36 L/45 , which proved adequate during the campaigns of 1939 and 1940, but the later Ausf. F to Ausf. J were upgraded with the 5 cm KwK 38 L/42 and the Ausf. J¹ to M with the longer 5 cm KwK 39 L/60 gun in response to increasingly better armed and armoured opponents.
The Panzer III was used in the campaigns against Poland , France , the Soviet Union and in North Africa. A handful were still in use in Normandy, Anzio, Norway, Finland, and in Operation Market Garden in 1944.
They were the best medium tank available to the Germans and outclassed, in both firepower and armour, most of their opponents, such as the Polish 7TP , French R-35 and H-35 light tanks and the Soviet T-26 light tank and BT cavalry tanks.
Panzerkampfwagen III A-E Sonderkraftfahrzeug 141 | ||
PzKpfw III | ||
Tyyppi | keskiraskas panssarivaunu | |
Alkuperämaa | ![]() | |
Palvelushistoria | ||
Palvelusvuodet | 1939–1945 | |
Valtion käytössä | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Sodissa | toinen maailmansota | |
Valmistushistoria | ||
Suunnittelijat | Armeijan asesuunnitteluosasto | |
Suunniteltu | 1935 | |
Valmistajat | Daimler-Benz | |
Valmistusvuodet | 1939–1943 | |
Valmistettu yhteensä | 5 774 (mukaan lukien StuG III) | |
Eri versiot | Ausf. A, B,C,D,E | |
Tekniset tiedot | ||
Paino | 22 tonnia | |
Pituus | 5,52 metriä | |
Leveys | 2,9 metriä | |
Korkeus | 2,5 metriä | |
Miehistö | 5 (komentaja, ampuja, lataaja, ajaja ja radisti) | |
Panssarointi | 5–70 mm | |
Pääaseistus Konekiväärit Moottori | 1x 3,7 cm KwK 36 Ausf A-E 2-3 x 7,92 mm mg 34. | |
Maybach HL120TRM1 V-12 bensiini-moottori | ||
265 hv (197 kW) | ||
Jousitus | Vääntövarsi | |
Toimintasäde | 155 km | |
Huipunopeus | 40 km/h (tiellä) 19 km/h (maastossa) |
A very useful tank!
VastaaPoistaYes, served long, and was very reliable, (underpower) despite the shortcomings
PoistaA true workhorse - all the way to Market-Garden!
PoistaExperiencing many changes, but always the same basic body
Part of the same series as the Matilda II, Stuart and Skoda, but little more
Great Tank, if the Germans had of stuck with this and not messed around with the tigers and panthers, they might have done better
PoistaGerman problems were many political conflicts.
This was the case for example in the manufacture of aircraft, such as the junkers 88 and Me-262 (V-2 project + other rocket weapons) with a production impacted Hitler the most, next Göring..
Other difficulties of ball bearings with factories bombed to pieces.
(turret and wheel bearings)
In addition, Germany had three (3) large private army, who did not participate in the war
I have a great photo of me sitting on top of one in the tank museum in Sofia
PoistaI would like to see this image.
Maybe one beautiful day it is your publication
I gotta tell you ...
PoistaParola Tank Museum!
A few years back, the three Japanese tourists went in T-26 tank
They try start, and the carriage departed, and moves among the audience
They do not come to a standstill in an very easy ...
This tank had just been renovated...
PoistaI put it on my new post, you can see it here
I went writings comment, apparently at the same time as you?
PoistaHandsome, :) that is the reasons of sunglasses...
My visit time, this photo has not yet been
Famous and reliable...a great post for a great tank!
VastaaPoistaHi Phil.
PoistaMy models time...
A little funny but, because I liked more the Pz-III version than Pz-IV model.
Perhaps due to the fact that, were also other manufacturers, not only just Airfix