
Motti of Porlampi (Continuation War)

During 1941, August 23, the Finns had managed to advance from the east to 8 km from Viipuri, but in the morning of August 24 Soviet 123.D and 115.D started a counteroffensive against Finnish forces east of Viipuri, probably trying to capture initiative and force Finns back to the northern side of River Vuoksi. Using heavy artillery fire, Soviets managed to push the defending Finns over 5 km backwards in places, but they didn't manage to create breaches to the front, and when the reserve of 12.D, IR26, which was already moving to the place for troop rotation, arrived, the Soviets were pushed back to their starting positions next day. The Soviet counterattack failed to affect the already-ordered attack by 12.D, which severed the main railroad connection between Viipuri and Leningrad on August 25.

STAVKA recognized the serious situation, and ordered on August 20 a retreat to the new, unprepared defence line running from the southwest side of Viipuri northwards to river Vuoksi and along it to Lake Suvanto and through river Taipaleenjoki to Lake Ladoga. This decision shortened the frontline considerably, but it also meant abandoning defensive installations they had prepared last months along the border. The Finns were preparing to start their own attack along the southernmost stretch of the border at, so when they noticed the Soviets leaving their positions on August 21, they were ordered to commence immediate pursuit. 

Italian, American, Swedish and German officers watch the captured cannons, Finnish officers behind with field cap...

Baron von Steding and Lieutenant Colonel Slöör watching the russian cannon, a prisoner to repair the lock. Russians had destroyed all the locks, but when they were promised an extra dose of chow for two weeks, or two weeks of fasting, soon found helper who working locks. Big guns locks are paying hundreds of thousands of marks, so shop well supported us.
Vyborg 1941.09.11

American military attache, Colonel, and a Swedish captain Wigforss investigating a Finnish lieutenant check soviet mens destroyed gun pipe, satchel charge destroyed their guns.
Vyborg 1941.09.11

Although Soviet 43.D (MJ.Gen. V. Kirpitsnikov) managed to man new positions north and west of Viipuri, they were unable to prevent Finnish 12.D (Col. Vihma) to advance along the right bank of River Vuoksi and contact 18.D, which was enlarging their beachhead at Vuosalmi, and at the evening of August 22 the whole right bank was in Finnish hands. Soviet 123.D (MJ.Gen. F. Aljabusev) was defending the southwest side of Viipuri. Much of the troops of 123.D and of 115.D (MJ.Gen. Konjkov) which had retreated from upper Vuoksi were still unorganized due to fast retreat from their positions. The Finnish 4.D (Col. Viljanen) advanced along the Saimaa Canal, pressing Soviet 43.D from north. By August 23 the southernmost Finnish division, 8.D (Col. Winell), had cleared the western shore of the Bay of Viipuri up to the river Ykspäänjoki, and started to prepare the crossing of the bay.

Major General Oesch and Kirpitsnikov discuss. Kavantsaari 1941.09.02
At the morning of August 24, the Finnish 8.D started crossing the Bay of Viipuri with the forces of III/IR45 to Lihaniemi Peninsula which it secured during the same day. At the next day they continued their attack and managed to sever last railroad running from Viipuri during afternoon, and managed to enlage their beachhead few kilometers to every direction during next two days. The 12.D had continued their offensive southwest, and severed Viipuri-Leningrad main road on August 27. On August 28 STAVKA allowed the 23. Army to withdraw from Viipuri and form new a defensive line to approximately the same place where Mannerheim Line had been. 

The Soviet forces began immediate retreat and tried forcefully to open the roads. At Ylä-Somme they managed to open one road at the evening of August 28, and during the night they managed to move several truck trains through, although under Finnish fire. The artillery fire caused several casualties, and little by little the road become more and more congested until finally only men on foot were able to pass. During the next two days, the Soviets tried repeatedly to open the railroad line along the bay of Viipuri, but at the late evening of August 30 IR3/12.D reached the positions of the 8.D. The motti of Porlampi was ended.

As the Soviet attempts to open the encirclement during the next day failed and as Finnish encirclement tightened, they made a final attempt to save the men by abandoning all vehicles and trying to escape on foot through the forests. The ring was already too tight and only small groups managed to escape at this last night. In the next morning, demoralized troops started to surrender. 9,000 men surrendered and 7,000 were buried there, but almost 12,000 men had managed to escape before the ring closed. Also, the booty was abundant: 306 artillery pieces, 55 tanks, 673 trucks, almost 300 tractors and around 4,500 horses.
Major General Kirpitsnikov arrives.  Kavantsaari 1941.09.02
2-3 division war booty:
- 306 different type cannons
- More than 19 000 cannon shells
- 246 mortars
- 46 000 mortar rounds
- 272 machine guns
. 10 000 rifles
- 3.4 million cartridges
- 55 tanks
- 673 cars
- 300 tractor
- 154 000 liters of petrol
- 159 000 liters of oil
- 4500 live horses

Porlammen motti (Porlammen–Sommeen motti) on Suomen sotahistorian suurin motti ja sotasaalis jatkosodan hyökkäysvaiheessa Karjalankannaksen takaisin valtauksessa Viipurin eteläpuolella Porlammen kylässä.

Motti alkoi syntyä 30. elokuuta 1941, kun IV armeijakunnan 8. divisioonalla oli sillanpää Sommeessa ja se katkaisi kaikki reitit etelän ja Koiviston suuntaan. Samaan aikaan 4. divisioonan joukot saarrostivat Viipurista poistuvia venäläisiä Porlammen itäpuolelta ja 12. divisioonan joukot olivat puolestaan eteläpuolella esteenä. 
Näin 23. Armeijan 43.D., 123.D. ja yhden tykistödivisioonan jäljelle jääneet osat jäivät suomalaisjoukkojen puristuksiin, eikä poistumistietä käytännössä ollut mihinkään suuntaan.

Kolonna pysähtyi Sommeen ja Ylä-Sommeen väliseen maastoon ja suomalaiset jalkiväkirykmentit saarrostivat sitä kaikilta ilmansuunnilta. Motin pituus oli 7 km ja leveys 3 km.
Venäläisten tappiot muodostuivat erittäin suuriksi erityisesti suomalaisten tykistötulen ansiosta. 
He yrittivät vetäytyä Koivisto alue, mutta raskas kalusto oli pakko jättää paikoilleen. 

Tilanne oli niin toivoton, että venäläiset alkoivat tuhota kalustoaan ja antautuivat suurin joukoin 1. syyskuuta. 
He olivat edellisenä iltana saaneet käskyn tuhota kaiken kaluston, mutta käskyä ei noudatettu enää kirjaimellisesti. 
Tykkien putket piti räjäyttää ja lukot rikkoa tai kaivaa maahan. Ajoneuvojen moottori tuli tehdä käyttökelvottomiksi.

Noin 2-3 divisioonan sotasaalis käsitti:
- 306 erityyppistä tykkiä
- yli 19 000 kenttätykin ammusta
- 246 kranaatinheitintä
- 46 000 heittimen ammusta
- 272 konekivääriä
. 10 000 kivääriä
- 3,4 miljoonaa patruunaa
- 55 panssarivaunua
- 673 autoa
- 300 traktoria
- 154 000 litraa bensiiniä
- 159 000 litraa öljyä
- 4500 elävää hevosta
Porlammen motti laukesi lopullisesti vasta sen jälkeen, kun Viipuri oli suomalaisilla, Motti oli kaaoksessa, eikä sen huolto toiminut. Ulosmurtautumisyritykset epäonnistuivat yksi toisensa jälkeen, ja suomalaisten paine saarrettuja vastaan kasvoi. 

Osa neuvostojoukoista pyrki ulos paniikissa, 1.9. motitetut alkoivat antautua, Jättimotista saatu oli valtava, siihen kuuluivat kahden divisioonan tarvikkeet: 306 tykkiä, 55 panssarivaunua, 673 autoa, yli 4000 hevosta ja 430 000 litraa polttoainetta. Vankeja motista saatiin 9000, joukossa 43, D:n komentaja, kenraalimajuri Kirpishnikov. 

Venäläisten tappiot kaatuneina olivat nin 7000. Kovistolle pääsi vetäytymään noin 12000 sotilasta. Suomalaisen IV AK:n tappiot kymmenen päivää kestäneissä taisteluissa olivat noin 3000 miestä.

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