
Independent Tank Mark-I / Mark-II

Vickers-Armstrong tehdas valmisti 1926 yhden Independent Mark-I ja yhden Mark-II panssarivaunun Britannian Yleisesikunnan toimeksi-anto määräyksestä.
Vaunun päätornissa oli yksi 47 mm tykki, ja pienissä sivutorneissa konekivääri, sekä yksi ilmatorjunta-konekivääri.
Kaksi pikkutornia oli takaosan päällä, heti päätornin jälkeen, kaksi päätornin edessä. 
Kahden edessä olevan konekivääri-tornin välissä oli  kuljettajan "oma" pyöreä torni.

Taistelutila oli yhtenäinen kuljettajan jalkatilan ja takana olevien pikku-tornien jälkeen.
Moottori asennettu taistelutilan jälkeen, vaihteisto ja vetopyörästö moottorin jälkeen.
Moottori käynnistettiin pienen ilmajäähdytetyn apumoottorin avulla.
Taistelutilan ilman vaihto hoidettiin sähkö tuulettimella.
Mark-I vaunussa oli kiertopyörästö-vaihteisto (planeetta-vaihde)
Mark-II vaunussa oli hydraulinen vaihteisto.

Vaikka tätä vaunua ei koskaan Britanniassa valmistettu taistelukäyttöön, pidetään silti varmana että vaunun piirustukset "eksyi" myös neuvostoliittoon, joka ne hyödynsi.


The Independent 1E1 Mark-I. 
United Kingdom Tank
Manufacturer Vickers
Number built 1
Weight: 33.6 tn (long tons) 
Length: 9,3 m
Width: 3,2 m
Height: 2,66
Crew: 10
Armour: 13-28 mm
Armament: QF 3 pounder gun (47 mm)
5 × 0.303 Vickers machine gun
Engine: Armstrong Siddeley V12 petrol 380 hp (279 kW)
Control switch + brake
Planetary gear
Transmission: 4 forward, 1 reverse
Suspension: coil spring bogies
Operational range:95 miles
Speed: 20 mph (32 km/h)
Multi-turret design, having a central gun turret armed with the 3 pounder (47 mm) gun, and four subsidiary turrets each armed with a 0.303 inch Vickers machine gun. 
The subsidiary turrets were mounted two at the front and two to the rear of the turret (about halfway along the hull). 
The gun of the left rear turret was able to elevate to engage aircraft. The tank was designed to have heavy firepower, self-defence capability, and superiority to enemy weapons. 

It had a crew of eight men, the commander communicating with the crew through an intercom system. The Independent was never used in combat, but other armies copied it.
                   File:Tank A1E1, Independent (4536484900).jpg
The subsidiary turrets were mounted two at the front and two to the rear of the turret (about halfway along the hull). The gun of the left rear turret was able to elevate to engage aircraft. 
The tank was designed to have heavy firepower, self-defence capability, and superiority to enemy weapons. It had a crew of eight men, the commander communicating with the crew through an intercom system. 
The Independent was never used in combat, but other armies copied it.
                   File:Bovington 022 Independent 1.jpg
A1E1 at Bovington Mark-II
United Kingdom Tank
Manufacturer Vickers
Number built 1
Weight: 31,5 tn (long tons) 
Length: 9,3 m
Width: 3,2 m
Height: 2,74 m
Crew: 10
Armour: 20-29 mm
Armament: QF 3 pounder gun (47 mm)
5 × 0.303 Vickers machine gun
Engine: Armstrong Siddeley V12 petrol 398 hp (293 kW)
Hydraulic gearbox
Transmission: 4 forward, 1 reverse
Suspension: coil spring bogies
Operational range:95 miles

Speed: 20 mph (32 km/h)

In 1924 the General Staff of the British Army ordered the prototype of a heavy tank, which became known as the Independent. 
Largely designed by Walter Gordon Wilson, its 35.8 litre V12 air-cooled engine was designed by Armstrong Siddeley, and it also incorporated a new hydraulic braking system which had to be specially developed due to its weight and speed. 

The prototype was delivered to the War Office in 1926, but was abandoned due to a lack of funds

The tank was the subject of industrial and political espionage, the plans ending up in the Soviet Union, where they may have influenced the design of the T-28 and T-35 tanks. 
Norman Baillie-Stewart, a British military officer, was court-martialled in 1933 and served five years in prison for providing the plans of the Independent (among other secrets) to a German contact.

The Independent is preserved at the Bovington Tank Museum in the UK.

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Any explosive ammunition or empty cores, you can put in this.