
Renault Tank and Kingdom to Rebublic.

Ensi askeleita ottava, 6.12. 1917 itsenäistynyt valtio, päätti ostaa moderneja renault vaunuja, joita saapui vuosina 1918- 1919 yhteensä 32 kappaletta. 
Niistä 14 oli "koiraita" ja 18 "naaraita". 
Suomalaiset Renaultit erosivat myös tornin muodon perusteella. 

Vaunuissa joiden ase oli 37 mm tykki, oli Renaultin tehtaan kulmikas torni.
Toisissa vaunuissa joiden ase oli Hotskiss konekivääri, Berlietin tehtaan pyöreä torni.

Hyökkäysvaunu-rykmentti (panssarijoukot) perustettiin 14.7. 1919. 

Kaksi vaunua lainattiin Venäjän valkoisen armeijan, Kenraali Judenitsin britti-joukoille
Ranskan vaatimuksesta. Näissä oli ranskalainen miehistö, jotka kuuluivat valkoisten
virosta Pietarin (st Petersburg) suuntaan hyökkäävän liitoutuneiden armeijaan. 

Ranska korvasi nämä kaksi vaunua suomelle myöhemmin.

Renault FT-17 oli aikanaan suuri menestys, ja Ranska hankki sitä armeijansa käyttöön 3177 kappaletta. FT-17 oli myös Suomen puolustusvoimien ensimmäinen panssarivaunu. 

Hankinnat perustuivat lähinnä siihen, että ensimmäisen maailmansodan jälkeen Ranskassa oli runsaasti panssarivaunuja, joista osasta voitiin luopua.

In 1918/9 Finland purchased 32 Renault FT 17 tanks along with 6 Latil tractors with their trailers, they arrived on 26th of August 1919.   
Suomen sisällis-sota valkoisten ja punaisten välillä sota raskas ja julma.

In the aftermath of the civil war, Finland passed from Russian rule to the German Empire's sphere of power. 
The conservative Finnish Senate attempted to establish a Finnish monarchy ruled by the House of Hesse, but after the defeat of Germany in World War I, Finland emerged as an independent, democratic republic.

The time of Winter War help forget the major disputes and unify the nation.

Finnish Civil War 1917-1918

The civil war remains the most traumatic, controversial and emotionally charged event in the history of modern Finland, and there have even been disputes about how to designate it.

Three-quarters of the war victims were Reds who died mainly in political terror campaigns and in prison camps.
The civil war remains the most traumatic, controversial and emotionally charged event in the history of modern Finland, and there have even been disputes about how to designate it.
Three-quarters of the war victims were Reds who died mainly in political terror campaigns and in prison camps.
Friedrich Karl HK 02.jpgKingdom of Finland 1918

Selected 10/9/1918,
not assumed office, 
announced his resignation from the position 12/14/1918

Friedrich Karl Ludwig Konstantin von Hessen-Kassel 
(1. toukokuuta 1868 Panker, Holstein, Preussi – 28. toukokuuta 1940 Kassel) 
Hän oli Hessenin maakreivi ja Saksan keisari Vilhelm II:n lanko. 

Hänen ollessaan vielä Hessenin prinssi Suomen eduskunta valitsi hänet Suomen kuninkaaksi lokakuussa 1918, kun Suomesta sisällissodan jälkeen kaavailtiin kuningaskuntaa. 

Saksan hävittyä ensimmäisen maailmansodan Friedrich Karl joutui kuitenkin torjumaan hänelle tarjotun kruunun, eikä hän koskaan saapunut Suomeen. 
Monessa maassa oli sisällis-sotaa 1917-1922 vuosien aikana.
Kuten esimerkiksi Suomi, Baltian maat, Puola, Venäjä aj Saksa.
For Finland, like for many of the export customers for FT 17 tanks, this was the first tank in their use and the starting point tank corps in their Armed Forces. 

Year 1919 the recently created Finnish Armed Forces were shopping for new weaponry in France. The most expensive part of those acquisitions was 32 Renault FT 17 tanks, which were shipped from Le Havre to Helsinki with s/s Joazeiro and issued to Finnish Army 26th of August 1919. 

The price of these tanks was 67 million Finnish Marks. All 32 tanks were factory-new, manufactured in 1918 – 1919 and had French register numbers in between 66151 – 73400. 14 of them were equipped with 37-mm tank guns and 18 had been equipped with 8-mm Hotchkiss M/1914 machineguns. 

Finnish Army decided to simply call the version with tank gun as koiras (male) and version with machinegun as naaras (female). For transporting the tanks on road Finnish Army also bought six Latil tractors with their trailers, these were arrived with the same ship as the tanks. Tanks, tractors and trailers were all issued to Hyökkäysvaunurykmentti (Tank Regiment), which had its garrison in Santahamina military base in Helsinki and had been created in 15th of July 1919. 

Following the French model Tank Regiment was early on considered as part of field artillery and organised accordingly as artillery battalions and artillery batteries, which size-wise were equivalent of companies and platoons. Since this was the first Finnish military unit of its type, in the beginning there were no officers with the appropriate training. 

Early on most likely tactics for tanks were considered as a modernised cavalry tactics of sort, so seven out of the first dozen officers of Tank Regiment were transferred from cavalry. Recruits for this new military unit were selected with preference those with technical training and/or experience of any kind. 

To get the training going a French team of nine men lead by Captain Pivetau arrived to Finland in year 1919 and trained the basics for Finnish personnel. In light of the political situation in 1919 and geographic location of Finland, the FT 17 tank deal wasn’t exactly lacking ulterior motives.

                                 Latil trucks. Continue war

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