
T-16 tank

Neuvostoliiton T-16 tankki kehitettiin toukokuussa 1924 Renault Ft tankin perusteella. 
Erittely oli myönnetty 3 tonnia painavan kahden miehen kevyt tankki joka kykenee 7,5 mph (12,1 km / h). 

Sen suojana 16 mm panssarointi, aseistus 37 mm tykki. Kun vaunu valmistui 1925 sallittu paino nousi 5 tonniin, vaikka alkuperäinen suunnittelma oli 3 tn paino, kuten U.S. Ford tankissa, niin muutostöiden johdosta paino kohosi valmistuksen aikana. 
Vaunun suunnitteli professori V Zaslavsky, valmistaja uusi  Puhemiehistön tankki teollisuus (Central Directorate of Military Industries). Vaunussa oli 35 hp moottori,
kopio italialaisesta Fiat 15b moottorista, tykki Puteaux SA 18, muutettu kopio. 

Vaunussa oli ripustettu kierre-jousitus josnka ansiosta tankki pystyi liikkumaan nopeammin hyvin epätasaisessa maastossa ja se oli suurin parannus verrattuna Renault FT vaunuun.

Prototyyppiä nimi T-16,  testattiin kesäkuussa 1927. Vaunu jäi vain koe malliksi.
A "Tank Bureau" was formed in May 1924 for the development of Soviet tanks. 
A specification was issued for a 3-tonne two-man light tank capable of 7.5 mph (12.1 km/h). 
It would be protected by 16 mm of armour and equipped with a 37 mm (1.5 in) gun. 
By 1925 the allowable weight had increased to 5 tonnes.

The tank was designed by Professor V. Zaslavsky at a new Tank Bureau set up under the Central Directorate of Military Industries. 

The 35-horsepower truck engine (a copy of the Italian FIAT 15 ter) was supplied by the Moscow AMO Factory, and the gun was a modified copy of the French 37 mm Puteaux SA 18 cannon. 
The sprung suspension which would allow a tank to travel faster over rough ground was the biggest improvement over the Renault. A prototype called the T-16 was tested in June 1927.

The T-16 was deemed a failure, as it had problems with its transmission failing too often and its inability to cross trenches more than 1.5 m wide.The T-16's maneuverability was only marginally better than that of the Renault. Meanwhile the КБ ОАТ drew up plans for an improved version of the T-16 which was accepted for production in July.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Looks really cool! Thanks for the info.

  2. Rodger
    Thanks for your comment
    I try to tell the history of the tanks development, during the 1916 -1945...


Any explosive ammunition or empty cores, you can put in this.