Joulutervehdys - Christmas Greetings

Hyvät vierailijat.
Kiitos Teille kuluneesta vuodesta.
Toivotan kaikille Hyvää Joulua.
Dear visitors
Thank you for the past year.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas.
Joulu rintamalla 1939 Christmas fronts
Kirje kotoa - Letter from home
Jouluhartaus rintama korsussa - In dugout, the Christmas Devotional fronts in 1939
Sikaa jouluksi - pigs for Christmas
Kotien lähettämiä paketteja etulinjaan - home sends to packages the frontlines
Joulu kotona - Christmas at home...
... ja sotilas-sairaalassa - and the military hospital
Jumalan palvelus maastossa - God-worship in terrain
paketteja myös kotiin - finnish parcels to home...
kaikki paketit eivät pääse kotiin - all parcels do not reach home, address unknown...
Merry Christmas!
VastaaPoistaThank you my friend.
PoistaMerry Christmas to you too
Happy Crimbo mate
VastaaPoistaThank you, my friend.
PoistaMerry Christmas to you, mate!
Merry Christmas to you too!
VastaaPoistaHi, DeanM
PoistaI wish Merry Christmas to you too
Merry Xmas Max ;)
VastaaPoistaHello, J-C.
Poista:) Nice to meet you.
Thank you.
And a Merry Christmas to you too
Merry Christmas Maximex!!
VastaaPoistaHi, Phil
PoistaThank you for the greeting.
Xmas greeting you and also your family
Great to see some old pictures that are related with the season!
VastaaPoistaA belated Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!
Hi, Peter.
PoistaThank you for your comment.
Christmas 1939., was also one of the important anniversary too...
Iosif Džugašvili (later Stalin = steel, born 21. 12. 1878 Gori, Tbilisi, Georgia).
So the frontline and in the trenches was a quiet and peace.
The Russian army was its happiness and strong drunk.
When it was a weekday morning at 7.00 (like always) the battle flames again.
Happy New Year for you and your family