Suomen armeijan palvelukseen oli ilmoittautunut (virallisen tilaston mukaan) noin 11 660 ulkomaalaista. Sotilaallista merkitystä ulkomaalaisista vapaaehtoisista oli käytännössä vain Ruotsista saapuneilla vapaaehtoisilla.
Arviot sotatarvikkeiden rahallisesta arvosta maittain
Finnish mobile artillery fire control
Italia myi Suomelle ensin 25 ja myöhemmin 10 Fiat G.50-hävittäjää lisää, joista osa ehti mukaan sotatoimiin.
Aiemmin mainituista syistä johtuen kyseessä ovat vain arviot kunkin maan myymien ja/tai luovuttamien sotatarvikkeiden rahallisesta arvosta. Lisäksi luetteloon on kirjattu joitain huomioita kyseisen maan myymien tai luovuttamien sotatarvikkeiden Suomeen saapumisesta tai saapumattomuudesta ja mm. siitä, että ilmaiseksi luovutetuille tarvikkeille on pyritty määrittelemään edes jokin hinta.
Ruotsi oli ehdottomasti Suomea eniten avustanut maa. Ruotsi myi tai luovutti Suomelle sotatarvikkeita yhteensä noin 1 470 miljoonan markan arvosta. Vuoden 2008 euroiksi muutettuna summa oli noin 471 miljoonaa euroa.
Lisäksi Ruotsi huolehti Svenska Frivilligkårenin kustannuksista, jotka olivat noin 500 miljoonaa markkaa (noin 160 miljoonaa euroa).
Italia myi Suomelle sotatarvikkeita yhteensä noin 790 miljoonan markan arvosta (vuoden 2008 euroiksi muutettuna noin 253 miljoonan arvosta).
Italian merkittävin asekauppa koski Fiat-hävittäjiä.
Kyseisen kaupan, joka maksettiin selluloosalla, laskentaperusteet ovat vain arvailujen varassa.
Toinen merkittävä sotatarvike-erä käsitti ilmatorjunta-aseita, joista tärkeimmät kaupat tehtiin 20 mm:n ilmatorjuntatykistä Breda M35.
Italian kanssa tehdyt kaupat saattavat sisältää myös kokonaan peruuntuneita eriä sotamateriaalia.
Ranska myi tai luovutti Suomelle sotamateriaalia noin 600 miljoonan markan arvosta.
(vuoden 2008 euroina noin 192 miljoonan euron)
Ranskan luovuttamasta materiaalista merkittävä osa oli ilmaista, joskin suurelta osin mm. vanhanaikaista tykistöä (mukana saapuneet ampumatarvikkeet olivat kuitenkin erittäin tarpeellisia). Materiaalin rahallinen arvo perustuu arvioon.
Ranskan lahjoitukseen kuului m.m 50 kpl Morane-Saulnier 406 hävittäjä konetta.
Iso-Britannia myi tai luovutti Suomelle sotatarvikkeita noin 500 miljoonan markan
(v. 2008 euroiksi muutettuna noin 160 miljoonan euron) arvosta.
Ilmaiseksi saadulle materiaalille on pyritty laskemaan myös jonkinlainen arvo.
Belgia myi tai luovutti materiaalia arvo oli myös noin 500 miljoonaa markkaa, joskin luku on erittäin epävarma Saksan aloitettua hyökkäyksensä maahan jo toukokuussa 1940.
Yhdysvallat myi tai luovutti Suomelle sotatarvikkeita 270 miljoonan markan
(v. 2008 euroiksi muutettuna noin 87 miljoonan euron) arvosta.
Luvusta on vähennetty peruuntuneet erät.
Tärkein tapahtuma on vain suomalaisia varten järjestetty ns. ylijäämähuutokauppa Brewster F2A-hävittäjistä, joista Suomeen saapui sodan aikana vain 8 kpl Ruotsissa tapahtuneen kokoamisen jälkeen.
Unkari myi tai luovutti Suomelle sotatarvikkeita noin 100 miljoonan markan
(v. 2008 euroiksi muutettuna noin 32 miljoonan) arvosta.
Norja saadun materiaalin arvon laskettiin olevan noin 80 miljoonaa markkaa
(v. 2008 euroiksi muutettuna noin 26 miljoonaa euroa).
Tanska saadun materiaalin hinnaksi arvioitiin noin 70 miljoonaa markkaa
(v. 2008 euroiksi muutettuna noin 22 miljoonaa euroa).
Espanja saadun materiaalin hinnaksi arvioitiin noin 55 miljoonaa markkaa
(v. 2008 euroiksi muutettuna noin 18 miljoonaa euroa).
Sveitsi saadun materiaalin hinnaksi arvioitiin noin 35 miljoonaa markkaa
(v. 2008 euroiksi muutettuna noin 11 miljoonaa euroa).
Saksa saadun materiaalin hinnaksi arvioitiin noin 35 miljoonaa markkaa
(v. 2008 euroiksi muutettuna noin 11 miljoonaa euroa).
Saksan osuus olisi saattanut nousta huomattavasti suuremmaksi ellei ruotsalainen lehdistö olisi joulukuun alkupuolella 1939 tuonut Neuvostoliiton lähetystön tietoon saksalaisten sallimaa kauttakulkua ja asekauppoja ns. bulvaanien välityksellä.
The foreign support in the Winter War contained materiel, men and moral support to the Finnish struggle against the Soviet Union in the Winter War. World opinion at large supported the Finnish cause. The World War had not yet begun in earnest and was known to the public as the Phony War; at that time, the Winter War was the only real fighting in Europe besides the German and Soviet invasion of Poland, and thus held major world interest. The Soviet aggression was generally deemed unjustified. Various foreign organizations sent material aid, such as medical supplies.
Finnish immigrants in the United States and Canada returned home, and many volunteers (one of them future actor Christopher Lee) traveled to Finland to join Finland's forces: 8,700 Swedes, 1,010 Danes (including Christian Frederik von Schalburg, a captain in Christian X of Denmark's bodyguard and later commander of the Free Corps Denmark, a volunteer unit created by Nazi Germany in Denmark during World War II), about 1,000 Estonians, 725 Norwegians, 372 Ingrians, 366 Hungarians, 346 Finnish expatriates, more than 20 Latvians and 190 volunteers of other nationalities made it to Finland before the war was over. Foreign correspondents in Helsinki wrote, and even greatly exaggerated, reports of Finnish ingenuity and successes in combat.
Soviet troops marched across the border river
Soviet troops
Pope Pius XII condemned the Soviet attack on 26 December 1939, in a speech at the Vatican and later donated a signed and sealed prayer on behalf of Finland.
Hungary. When the Winter War broke out between Finland and the Soviet Union, many Hungarians felt great sympathy towards the Finns and wanted to help them.
Count Pál Teleki's government sent armaments and war equipment valued at 1 million Hungarian pengős during the Winter War (with knowledge and accord of governor Miklós Horthy). The recruiting of volunteers started on 16 December. During the Winter War, around 25,000 Hungarian men applied to fight in Finland, finally 350 applications were accepted. Their military training started at 10 January and it took almost a month. The volunteers formed a battalion what was commanded by Lieutenant Imre Kémeri Nagy. The Hungarian Volunteer Detached Battalion had 24 officers, 52 non-commissioned officers, 2 doctors and 2 padres; a total of 346 officers and men.
Travel to Finland was very difficult, because the German Reich forbade transit of armaments and war equipment across its territory (including the occupied Polish territories). Therefore, volunteers had to travel across Yugoslavia, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, Norway and Sweden to make their ways to Finland. They travelled without any weapons by a special train, officially classified as "tourists going to ski-camp". Finally the battalion arrived in Finland at 2 March after 3 weeks travelling.
In Finland the battalion was quartered in Lapua, in the training center of the international volunteers. In Lapua they took a part in another military training, learned skiing and winter warfare. Before the Hungarian battalion could see military action, the Moscow Peace Treaty was signed, on 12 March in Moscow so many volunteers felt frustration.
In the last days of March, Field Marshal Mannerheim visited Lapua where he met the Hungarian battalion. He expressed his thanks to the volunteers for coming to Finland and he promoted Lieutenant Imre Kémeri Nagy to Captain. From 17 April to 19 May the Hungarian battalion served in Karelia, at the new state border in Lappeenranta.
The Hungarian battalion was embarked at Turku at 20 May 1940, from where a steamboat sailed to Stettin, German Reich (now Szczecin, in Poland). They traveled across the German Reich by a special train with a German guard. The volunteers arrived at Budapest in 28 May.
Outside the Hungarian Volunteer Detached Battalion other Hungarian volunteers fought in the Winter War in the Finnish army. They went to Finland individually. 2nd Lieutenant Mátyás Pirityi served in the Finnish Air Force and took part in more than 20 sorties. Warrant Officer Vilmos Békássy's plane disappeared over the Gulf of Bothnia. Géza Szepessy, along with four fellows from the Military Technical College of Berlin, went to Finland where he was wounded in action.
At the center of the photo, gazing fiercely at the opposing Soviet lines at the Syvari River front, Hungarian General Jany (Yaa-nee) ...
The story of the Hungarian volunteering troops was published by Antal Ruprecht in a bilingual (Hungarian, Finnish) book in 2003.
As a fascist government, the Kingdom of Italy had staunchly supported Francisco Franco in Spain in his fight against Republican communists and anarchists supported by the Soviet Union. Italy therefore promptly responded to requests by the Republic of Finland for military assistance and equipment for use against the communist government of the Soviet Union. The Royal Italian Air Force (Regia Aeronautica Italiana) sent thirty-five Fiat G.50 fighters, while the Royal Italian Army (Regio Esercito Italiano) supplied 94,500 new M1938 7.35 mm rifles for use by Finnish infantry. However, Germany intercepted most of Italy's aid and only released it once peace had been made. Also a handful of Italian volunteers fought in the Winter War on the side of Finland.
The Norwegian government did not allow officers or under-officers to volunteer for the war in Finland out of fear that that would aggravate the Germans (they wanted to remain neutral at all costs). Of the 725 Norwegians that volunteered to fight for Finland, only 125 made to the relatively tranquil Salla front and that just three weeks before the war ended. None of the volunteers were killed or wounded. Many of the volunteers were unfit for fighting and many ended up in rest homes and institutions for alcoholics during their stay in Finland. Several of the future leaders of the Norwegian resistance movement such as Max Manus and Leif "Shetland" Larsen were among the volunteers. The most highly decorated Norwegian in the later resistance movement, Gunnar Sønsteby, spent his stay as an office clerk (like many of his countrymen in the Winter War).
In addition to the military volunteers, 30 doctors and 40 nurses went to help the Finnish medical system, under the auspices of the Norwegian People's Aid.
There were numerous nationwide collections campaigns of supplies and money in Norway to help the Finns. In all the Finland collection (Norwegian: Finlandsinnsamlingen) brought in some NOK 2,000,000, the largest popular collection in Norwegian history. Six training aircraft were purchased for part of these funds. Initial flying training was given, close to Oslo, with these aircraft to students sent from Finland.
Norwegian troops
An important venue for collections for Finland were sporting events, several of which were held for the benefit of Finland in Norway during the war. Some 50,000 backpacks filled with supplies were collected in Norway and dispatched to Finland. Collections of rifles (mostly Krag-Jørgensen models) and home knitted shooting gloves also took place. Sigrid Undset, Norwegian author and Nobel laureate, donated her Nobel medal to Finland on 25 January 1940.
The Norwegian government secretly donated the Finns 12 German-made 7.5 cm field gun m/01s (designated 75 K 01 in Finnish service) in February 1940. Included in the covert artillery transfer were 12,000 shells. Norway also allowed the transfer of aircraft to Finland via Sola Air Station, near Stavanger. Norwegian volunteers took part in the assembly of some of the aircraft at the Saab factory in Trollhättan, Sweden.
One of the main reasons that Franco-British plan, Operation Avon Head, to send troops to Finland never materialized was that Norway would not allow them to use their ports and territory for troops transfer. They explicitly threatened to fire upon any ship that came near Trondheim or Narvik on that mission.
The North Norwegian county of Finnmark received over 1,000 Finnish refugees from Petsamo by 6 February 1940, as the Red Army advanced through that lightly defended area Finnish civilians sought shelter on the Norwegian side of the Pasvik/Paatsjoki River. By the end of the war some 1,600 Finnish civilians had fled to Norway. Finnish soldiers of the independent Lapland Group that retreated across the border into Finnmark were transported south and interned at Hegra Fortress in the Nord-Trøndelag county of Central Norway. The internees were released and returned to Finland at the turn of the year 1939-1940. As the Finns had retreated in the northern areas they had carried out a scorched earth policy, destroying all housing and infrastructure to obstruct the Soviet advance.
After the end of the war the Norwegian aid continued, and was shifted to reconstruction aid. When Norway was herself invaded by the Germans on 9 April 1940 the Finnish government immediately notified that the remaining money set off for Norwegian aid work in Finland could be diverted to use in Norway.
Poland's Prime Minister Władysław Sikorski, despite the ongoing occupation of Poland (since September 1939), has promised to send support of Polish Independent Highland Brigade to help the Finns in fighting. The help was organised late, however, and never reached Finland. Nevertheless, 6 volunteers from Poland fought with the Finns during the war.
Sweden, which had declared itself to be a non-belligerent rather than a neutral country (unlike for the rest of World War II where Sweden tried to uphold neutrality) contributed military supplies, cash, credits, humanitarian aid and some 8,700 Swedish volunteers prepared to fight for Finland. The Swedish Army, which had been downsizing its armed forces since the 1920s, transferred approximately 1/3 of its equipment to Finland among them 135 000 rifles and 330 guns and large quantities of ammunition. A small number of aeroplanes was given to Swedish Voluntary Air Force, in action from 7 January, with 12 Gloster Gladiator II fighters, five Hawker Hart bombers, and eight other planes, amounting to one third of all the Swedish Air Force's fighters at that time.
Volunteer pilots and mechanics were drawn from the ranks. The renowned aviator Count Carl Gustav von Rosen, nephew of Carin Göring, Hermann Göring's first wife, volunteered independently. There was also a volunteer work force, of about 900 workers and engineers. In March the unit was to be reinforced with five Junkers Ju 86 bombers on 11 March the bombers were in the Swedish town of Boden with all preparations completed but the end of hostilities on the 13th precluded their deployment.
The Swedish Volunteer Corps with 8,402 men in Finland—the only common volunteers who had finished training before the war ended—began relieving five Finnish battalions at Märkäjärvi in mid-February. Together with three remaining Finnish battalions, the corps faced two Soviet divisions and were preparing for an attack by mid-March but were inhibited by the peace agreement. Thirty-three men died in action, among them the commander of the first relieving unit, Lieutenant Colonel Magnus Dyrssen.
The Swedish volunteers remain a source of dissonance between Swedes and Finns. The domestic debate in Finland had in the years immediately before the war given common Finns hope of considerably more support from Sweden, such as a large force of regular troops, that could have had a significant impact on the outcome of the war—or possibly caused the Soviets not to attack at all.
From the left, Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden, unidentified person and Allan Mann, veteran of the Soviet-Finnish Winter War, the battle of Narvik, and...
However the help from volunteers, especially the Scandinavian ones, was appreciated by the Finns. This is shown by the fact that during the Norwegian Campaign against the German invasion in April 1940 a Finnish group of volunteers formed an ambulance unit and helped the defenders until forced to return home because of the success of the German armed forces. A group of Swedish and Finnish volunteers also fought alongside Norwegian soldiers against the German invaders near Os, on 2 May as well.
British and Iris volunteers
United States
The Soviet attack outraged Americans, with some businesses refusing to sell supplies to the Soviet regime. Responding to a call from a manufacturer who refused to sell to the aggressor, the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce compared his objections to " to sell to a man because he beats his wife".
In December 1939 sympathetic Americans led by former President Herbert Hoover (who had previously formed the Commission for Polish Relief and in World War I headed the Commission for Relief in Belgium) formed the Finnish Relief Fund to donate money to aid Finnish civilians and refugees. By the end of January it had already sent more than two million dollars to the Finns.
The Boers sent a help + South-Africa too...
Australian ambulance
Australian women packages the cargos...
New Zealand woman
New Zealand teenage workersAnd it was in small grocery stores such as this, spread throughout both Australia and New Zealand, that canned food for Finland was collected, a trickle of donations becoming a flood – and eventually enough to fill a number of Finnish cargo ships to capacity. In this way, some interesting Australasian delicacies found their way to Finland – some to be enjoyed, some not. As the war progressed and food shipments from Australia and New Zealand were organized on a more regular basis, Maavoimat soldiers could never be quite sure what their next meal would consist of……
Good to see the Kiwis get a mention and a couple of photos at the end!
VastaaPoistaHello, my friend.
PoistaThank you for your comment.
:) Guess what is my reasons put these N-Z area pictures
Sorry, when it is at the end, but if the cause invalid, it is vikipedia (text order).
Images found a few more, but they all trade area
Here (the store) are some different kiwi fruits
two countries have the most
I always buy them others because they have a good taste
I like kiwi fruits
Guess which one tastes better
N-Z or Italy
Glad you like the Kiwifruit.
PoistaOh, Yes.
Kiwifruit, (original is china) Latin: Actinidia deliciosa
Gooseberry and Chinese gooseberry / these belongs to same clan
The fruit surface resembles a kiwi bird feathers, its reasons the name.
Normal gooseberries, yellow, (Ribes uva-crispa) it's my favorite.