Patrolling was one war time and one Finnish army military intelligence species.
Here's how it parallels a secret reconnaissance, surveillance intelligence, air reconnaissance, and other intelligence agencies who engage in intelligence activities.
The war's management and the front line troops required of situations, and the results of the various intelligence operations by combining, the image was formed
Separate Battalion 4:s the history of the final words, Lassi Saressalo notes Long patrols remote operation and overall importance, the war's management is not possible to perceive if sources be missing.
The intelligence department materials respects, are also destroyed, and some partly delivered to Sweden, and these we know name: Operation Stella Polaris
Winter War time
Suomen kaukopartiotoiminta
Winter war, Rovaniemi low-office sent 11 men patrol in Salla, Wet-Lake direction, traffic monitoring missions in March 1940. Reasons to the early one-sided radio connection (one-way transmission) patrol did not receive information about the ended of war, but managed also act as a time of peace. The patrol sent last message before returning 14 March and announced that it is destroy one storage building and the guards eliminated.
Continuation War.
Patrol operation base
Separate Battalion 4
As early as the pre-war period Statistical Office of the
As early before the continue war, Statistical Office / Field Offices was formed four remote patrol departments:
Department Vehniäinen: (Head of Hannes Vehniäinen), the operating area of the Karelian Isthmus
Department Marttina: (Head Pauli Marttina), the operating area of Kainuu
Department Paatsalo: (chief Harri Paatsalo), the operating area of Lapland
Departments were organized on 1 July 1943 separate battalion of 4 with (ErP 4),
in which each compartment belonged to the company commander.
The battalion's immediate superior was the headquarters Intelligence Section first, Colonel Kaarlo Somerton, and April 1944 begins Lt. Col. Reino Hallamaa.
Real Battalion commander was Lieutenant Colonel Jussi Sovio period 15 September 1943 - 30 November 1944. Sovio was the headquarters of the Intelligence Office 1 Head of air force division.
Patrol men's training can be distinguished on the one hand and ensuring the creation of the general conditions, and the special skills on the other hand.
Coping with nature at all times of the year was the minimum level, which was like a built-in selection criteria. Rural patrol men had grown, not just city dwellers was among them.
Selected patrol mens tested a long workout trips, before the actual over the lines of departure and the first patrol tours were a kind of probationary period. Evaluation of physical and mental exertion and stress tolerance underline carried out, by watching the supervisors.
The patrol Men's special skills were for example, telegraphs and pioneering work skills, as well as parachuting training, which was given, but was used in action very bit.
Scouting for rearmament depended on the time of year, the task, the size of the patrol, and the intended length of the journey, as well as on the plans for follow without replenishment or previous caches.
In June 1941, held in skydiving course for 25 patrol man Luonetjärvi, near Jyväskylä, jumping plane was a Douglas DC-2.
Armament and backup
Finnish submachine gun, remote patrol man's basic.
Parabellum pistol.
Lahti L-35 Pistol
During the peace made a secret intelligence outings main weapon was a 9 mm Lahti, Mauser or Parabellum pistol.
Continuation War, the basic remote patrol man was a Finnish submachine gun, which belonged to the applicant's and equipped with back-up weapon is pistol. Also self-loading SVT-40 rifles were used, and a large patrols, such as Petrovsky Jamin service center attacked team by Ilmari Honkanen Riflemen, because sub-machine guns not enough for all. In the winter time, ski patrols rifles was very significance, reasons of shooting dimensions.
Especially in the winter time, patrol had prepared for combat pursuers also to traps. Wood box was used, appearance and minebox like a school pen-casing, and patrols wait to ski-track, and waiting when enemy blows these mines, or cutting they triggered wire, and interrupt the enemy follow. These stakes are for this purpose, like also light-alarm or works the "doorbells".
Ski track mine assembly.
The ski track mine are diabolical invention, example minesweeper cannot find
Ski track mine was included the patrol equipment, for example five pieces per man.
Vhen mine explodes to ski track, and this most often mutilate man's leg.
Mine is tuned when the cover like the picture (like school wooden pencil box) inside of the detonator, and 200 gr Trotyl, whose purpose is not to kill, only crush the foot,
because in wilderness this mean or will cause a lot of trouble throughout the patrol.
Most important idea of the patrols, is was that think, because after hitting a mine pursuers were forced to move out of ready ski track, and be get ready possible ambush (of cause both side). Deep snow and these other reasons, follower speed slowed.
During the summer, the men of the patrols smear the boots soles to distillate coals substance, and this purpose mixed of dogs senses and smell thus hinder the search. The substance may have been creosote, - impregnate from distilled coal.
Destruction work method
The fuel bottle, nicknamed the "Molotov cocktail".
Destruction their work equipment are with enclosed with explosives and a variety of combustion equipment.
Like including the following
- dynamite
- pile of stakes
- hand grenades
- fuel bottles
- Termite-strands are strands are, or CFLs, which was also called guerrilla spark
- Termite-boxes, (burn-boxes)
- Termite-strands and Sockets (from termite) were burned lit for a long time and
these bottles and fuel ignited disposable buildings.
Railways and bridges needed to invest in trotyl-explosive operating (patrol spelling description can be rotuli) and different ways works, the time and weight lighters. Literature mentions patrol travels and transports many tens kilos of explosives-recurring items.
The rail cutting tools intended to be used their reports name, and the describing of trains out of derail, make bring about rail attached detonator.
And end side of war, patrols had many explosives and could be involved panzerfaust to vehicles
Meals, accommodation and medical
Initially patrols victuals based on application of the normal, caterer, for example, used in forest work, but longer trips these are a weight problem, and time to continuation war gradually developed patrol activities and suitable the so-called. guerrilla rations, which consisted of canned and dry lighter ingredients.
The headquarters of the remote patrols men contents five-day victuals package are:
- crispbread or concentrated rye bread 300 g
- Koskenlaskija cheese 500 g
- pork or pig-beef canned 800 g
- pea concentrate of 400 g
- 300 g of oat-flake sealant
- tea 100 g
- piece of sugar, 300 g
- 150 g of salt
- 350 g of chocolate
- In addition: C or A-multi-vitamin, milk powder, tobacco and coffee
All of the above-mentioned calculated the weight of 6 kg.
The total weight of the five-day package was about 20 kg
It is not clear what else the weight of the package may be included. About 1 kilogram of weight per daily dose is shown, and this did not include for example, butter, sugar, peas and oatmeal.
The woodsaw steel-blade installed bent and tensioned wood arch (wilderness saw)
Long patrol used with so that night sleep was obtained on behalf the equipments, also when the campfire warm and lights could not be made.
The bottom sheet was a normal nightsleep stuff, and the winter time use also light coat or fur vests, and will be involved the incident and mens keep always few ax blades threaded to belt arc.
German made, and petrol engine machine are mentioned in 1944 the New Church direction area, in summer maneuvers, the long-patrol equipment list.
In general, remote patrol no includes medic, but each man gets personalized medicine pack, which included painkillers, cough medicine tablets, stomach medicine, camphor and sulphanilic-amidi tablets. In addition was xeroform-powders for the treatment of abrasions and thymolis sprit for disinfection, the dressings, gauze and plasters the combat first aid.
Men's pharmaceutical packaging from October 1941
- Bayer Aspirin Tablets 0.5 mg
- heroin tablets 0.5 mg cough,
"more than three tablets a day",
"very severe pain 2-3 tablets at a time"
- kamferi tablet 0.5 mg
- 0.5 mg of D sulfaniili-amidi tablets
- Temmler-Werke Pervitin Tablets 3 mg (Met-Amfetamin)
"on the elimination and provocation of strong fatigue efforts of the above"
- opium 3.3 mg
Patrol-mens equipments belong also of "pervitin", a German met-amfetamin piller, which helped to overcome for a time to fatigue and hunger. Pervitin could cause, among other things, hallucinations. When effect stops removal, the impact is exhaustion and severe hangover-like pain-modes. Pervitinin instructions they had removed words mention of hangover, that prevents men not use drugs for targeting hops.
Pervitin are very effective pills.
Tired and dropped man rise up, and ran away enemy areas and troops, and works three days, without sleep
After that, patrol-man must come of own lines, or stopped forever to forests
various types of equipment, whom patrol users, called name complement. Replenishment could be obtained in five ways.
Patrol or part of the wounded and sick can be picked up in the summer time water plane the wilderness or some working area lake. In this case concurrently submitted to necessary replenishment.
Finns used this purpose inter alia, Heinkel He 115
and Junkers 43 airplanes.
Back follows and trackers are soviet border guards and NKVD-troops who report finnish traces and movements over the air and densely, soviet headquarters.
Finnish radio intelligence was kidnapped and opened allmost all the soviet messages
Long patrols pursue department posts, send messages, follow up what happens
watch enemy plans, routes, tracks, and regularly verified for confirmation and even passwords.
soviet trackers and behind riders
Back follows and trackers are soviet border guards and NKVD-troops who report finnish traces and movements over the air and densely, soviet headquarters.
Finnish radio-intelligence kidnapped and opened one soviet radio message.
Soon this reveals all department posts, sended messages, and finnis radio intelligence follow up what happen, found enemy plans, routes, tracks, and regularly verified for confirmation and even soviet headquarters passwords.
Based on the information the long-patrols was clean and short position management stations to "steer" and avoid the pursuers, and backups.
The long-patrols are Tear-radios be affiliated with one of the five patrols remote management station.
Early Tear-radios was not the reception characteristic, so all will patrol the messages sent through the Finnish Broadcasting Company in the cover, for example, a message directed to the seafarers

Töpö radio
Later, when Tear radio can receive, Töpö radio connection stays in reserve.
(Töpö = only short, short tail or rabbit tail)
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Any explosive ammunition or empty cores, you can put in this.