Parhainta onnea sinulle Suomi
Toivotan Sinulle menestystä myös jatkossa
ehkä vielä seuraavat täydet 100 vuotta
Best luck to you, Finland
I wish you also success in the future
maybe even next full 100 years
Finland's Independence Day (Finnish: itsenäisyyspäivä,
Swedish: självständighetsdagen) is a national public holiday, and a flag day, held on 6 December to celebrate Finland's declaration of independence from the Russian Republic in 1917.
The movement for Finland's independence started after the revolutions in Russia, caused by disturbances inside Russia from hardships connected to the First World War. This gave Finland an opportunity to withdraw from Russian rule. After several disagreements between the non-socialists and the social-democrats over who should have the power in Finland, on 4 December 1917, the Senate of Finland, led by Pehr Evind Svinhufvud, finally made a Declaration of Independence which was adopted by the Finnish parliament two days later.
Independence Day was first celebrated in 1917. However, during the first years of independence, 6 December in some parts of Finland was only a minor holiday compared to 16 May, the Whites' day of celebration for prevailing in the Finnish Civil War. The left parties would have wanted to celebrate 15 November, because the people of Finland (represented by parliament) took power 15 November 1917. When a year had passed since declaration of independence, 6 December 1918, the academical people celebrated the day.
Leopard 2A6

Renaut FT 17
Stu-40 Parola tank museo
northern lights
male reindeer
Arctic fox
Vulpes lagopus, previously alopex lagopus
blue fox (fur)

fox and northern pike
curiously semi-tame fox Natural Park
äitikarhu ja pennut

large male bear, which the wolves want to get out of the catch
Male is a bigger and heavy, than normal (80kg) size man
position, just like Finnish Air Force mascot
the smallest, lightest and most ferocious beast
Wolverine, which all other respects (fear and abhor)
gray seal
The ringed seal, ie kiehkuraishylje
(Pusa hispida, formerly Phoca hispida)
Cool photos. Happy New Year!
VastaaPoistaThank you Rodger :)
PoistaHappy New Year to you too
Great nature photos, happy centenary Finland, so Ireland is one year older than Finland.
VastaaPoistaHi, S-K
PoistaSorry, I noticed only now that these your comment
Yes, one year more
Maybe I'm a little too early
because Finland meets 06/12/2017
Thank you and let's be proud of our small beautiful own countries