The Finnish experience with the weapon and its adaptability to Finnish needs was mixed, and only 4,000 of 25,000 Panzerfäuste delivered were expended in combat.
The manual that came with the weapon upon delivery to the Finns included depictions of where to aim the weapon on the Soviet T-34 and US Sherman tanks.
Pika-koulutus ja tutustuminen uuteen aseeseen
Quick-training and getting to know the new weapon
Tali - Ihantala taistelualue oli 10 km x 10 km kokoinen
Tali - Ihantalan taistelussa neuvostoliiton armeija kärsi yhden suurimmista menetyksistä täällä Karjalan kannaksella.
Kenraali Govorovin hyökkäys pysähtyi, ja syynä olivat joukkojen suuret menetykset.
Yksi Neuvostoliiton kaartin pataljoona sisältää 2 200 miestä. Monissa näistä osastoista jäljellä oli vain 40-100 miestä, ja monet jalkaväkipataljoonan menetykset olivat 70-80% alkuperäisestä vahvuudesta.
Toisen maailmansodan aikana panssarinyrkillä oli mahdollista tuhota kaikki tuon ajan rintamakäytössä olevat panssarivaunutyypit.
Taktisesti aseen suurin ongelma oli ammuksen alhaisen lähtönopeuden aiheuttama lyhyt ampumaetäisyys ja ampujan suojattomuus.
Kehittyneimmän mallin ampumaetäisyys oli 125 metriä, mutta esimerkiksi tyyppi 30:n kantama oli vain noin 30 metriä.
Suomeen tuotiin kahta panssarinyrkin versiota, F1 (pikku nyrkki, Panzerfaust 30 Klein) kaliiperiltaan 100 mm ja F2 (iso nyrkki Panzerfaust 30), jonka kaliiperi oli 142 mm. Ase painoi noin viisi kiloa, mistä ammuksen paino oli noin kolme kiloa.
Ammuksen halkaisija oli 150 mm. Panssarinyrkki oli halpa massa-ase, vuonna 1944 valmistusmäärä oli yli viisi miljoonaa.
Putken takapäästä purkautuvien ammuksen raketin kuumien palokaasujen vuoksi putken takana täytyi olla useita metrejä vapaata tilaa.
Neuvostoliitto käytti pääasiassa näitä säiliömalleja taisteluun suomalaisia joukkoja vastaan, kesäkuu 1944 taisteluissa Karjalan kannaksella. Noin 750 näistä vaunuista tuhoutui, pääasiassa Tali - Ihantala taistelussa (750 kaikki, kesä 1944 kannas alue)
Soviet uses mainly these tank models in battle against the finnish troops, june 1944 battles, to karelian isthmus. About 750 of these wagons were destroyed in the battle,
mainly in the Tali - Ihantala fight (750 are total 1944 summer, istmus area battles)
"Klim" Kv-1

Iosif Stalin, JS-2 tank

The Soviet SU-152 heavy self-propelled guns on the Karelian Isthmus
T 34-76
T 34-85

Four Panzerfaust 30s in original shipping crate, on display at the Helsinki Military Museum
During the Second World War Panzerfaust could be destroy wery easy all types armored vehicles what are use in frontlines.
The biggest problem are this weapon short distance and the shooting, because shooters defenselessness are very the low initial speed of the projectile.
The most advanced model firing distance was 125 meters, but for example, the type 30 range was only about 30 meters.
Import includes two version of armor strikes, who import introduced to Finland, F1 (little fist, Panzerfaust 30 Klein) 100 mm in caliber, and F2 (big fist Panzerfaust 30) with a caliber 142 mm.
The weapon weighed about five kilos, where the weight of the projectile was about three kilos. The diameter of the projectile was 150 mm. Armor strike was a cheap mass weapon, in 1944 the production volume was over five million.
Due to the hot flame gases in the missile rocket, the rocket had to have several meters of free space behind the pipe.

Panzerfaust-armed Finnish soldiers (soldier in foreground is also armed with a Suomi KP/-31) passing the wreckage of a Soviet T-34 tank, destroyed by detonation, in the Battle of Tali-Ihantala. Tali - Ihantala battle area was 10 km x 10 km sizes
Tali - Ihantala: Red Army suffered one of biggest losses here, in Karelian isthmus.
General Govorov's assault stalled, reason are very massive losses, of the troops.
One of the Soviet Guard regiments contains 2,200 men. In many of these regimes there were only 40 to 100 men left, and many infantry-battalions losses were 70 to 80%, original strength.
Very interesting post. Thank you.
VastaaPoistaHello Rodger.
PoistaYou're welcome! and thank you.
There are spring time, but cold and night time a small frost, sometimes time very wet snowfall swoops.
But after frost of the night, the air is always fresh, like mountainous regions areas
easy to breath
Panzerfaust weapons are very good exembel to finish armies full bureaucracy madness or officialdomes system
When the soviet great summer attack began, very quickly transports tre airplanes, from (to Germany Lapland forces) by hundreds of panzerfaust weapons,
Same day imported from Germany, quickly torpedo boats transports, n 3000 pcs, and one weeks insides, ship transport thousands Panzerfaust more.
and then
Transport to near the headquarters, almost the front line and stored behind the locks.
Nice and easy.
Only a two - three dozen were distributed to departments.
When the soviet attack came closer, the weapons were brought to the nears of frontline, but no one cant or had time teach use, or sharing these weapons with troops, no user teaching. Some men tried with their own helps but wery little success very well, many failed, few succeeded, and weapons work well...
Eventually, when soviet first (and only) heavy attack trundle "over the Finnish defence troops" these fled everywhere.
Soviet troops gets many hundreds brand new, Panzerfaust weapons in the factory packs, clean stacks under tarpaulin
Great post, I love that weapon
VastaaPoistaMoi, S-K
PoistaThanks, you're kind
:) Today the weather is very beautiful and sunny
Tomorrow snowfall and very wet..
Armor fist, there were many sizes
30, 60, 100, 150, 250
I think it's finnish 142mm are this 150mm :)
Once again nice post and very interesting pictures, well choosen...
VastaaPoistaHi, Phil :)
PoistaThank you for your interest and comment too...