<<< (led by Colonel K. Wolff)
and 2. Guards Cavalry Brigade (led by Colonel H. von Tschirsky und von Bögendorff) >>>
They were supported by additional artillery and pioneer troops, and transported to Finland by a naval squadron led by Hugo Meurer.
The military activity of the division in Finland served part of the foreign policy of the German Empire after the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Soviet Russia, signed on 3 March 1918.
Germany aimed to establish a chain of satellite states in eastern Europe in order to provide raw materials for German industry and food products for the German people.

The major operation for Detachment Brandenstein was the Battle of Lahti in 19 April – 1 May. Later the unit was attached to the Baltic Sea Division.
The Finnish Senate of Vaasa had requested German military aid for the Whites.
The Finnish Senate paid all the financial costs of the military intervention of the Baltic Sea Division and urged the Finnish people to provide food, shelter, and any other aid needed by the Baltic Sea Division.

The Baltic Sea Division quickly took Helsinki from the Red Guards, who had previously deposed the official government in Helsinki.
This enabled the Senate to return to Helsinki.
<<<< Von der Goltz
On 11 November 1918, the armistice ended World War I. Von der Goltz and his division left Helsinki on 16 December 1918
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