The government granted him the unique title of Marshal of Finland (Suomen Marsalkka in Finnish, Marskalk av Finland in Swedish). So far he is the only person to receive the title. A surprise birthday visit by Hitler was embarrassing.
Hitler did not travel much, but he wished to visit the "brave Finns (die tapferen Finnen)" and their leader Mannerheim.
Mannerheim did not want to meet him at his headquarters or in Helsinki, as then it would seem like an official state visit. The meeting took place near Imatra, in south-eastern Finland, and was arranged in secrecy.
From Immola Airfield, Hitler, accompanied by President Ryti, was driven to where Mannerheim was waiting at a railway siding. A speech from Hitler was followed by a birthday meal and negotiations between him and Mannerheim. Overall, Hitler spent about five hours in Finland; he reportedly asked the Finns to step up military operations against the Soviets, but apparently made no specific demands.

Adolf Hitleriä kuljettanut lentokone laskeutui Immolan lentokentälle 4.6.1942. Taustalla näkyy, miten sotilat sammuttavat koneen laskeutumisessa palamaan syttynyttä rengasta.
Airplane transported by Adolf Hitler landed at Immola Airport on June 4, 1942. The background shows how the soldiers turn off the ignited ring when the machine is landing.

Marsalkka Mannerheim suhtautui Hitleriin pidättyvästi ja halusi pitää tähän pienen välimatkan.
Marsalkka Mannerheim was reluctant to Hitler and wanted to keep this small distance.
Hitler's gift Mannerheim, Mercedes 770 F W150 Cabriolet (16.12.1941) to background.

Marsalkka Mannerheim tervehtii Adolf Hitleriä
Marsalkka Mannerheim greeted Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitleri kättelee kenraalieversti Eduard Dietliä.
Adolf Hitler shakes hands with General Eduard Dietl.

Kuvassa keskustelevat valtakunnankansleri Adolf Hitler, Saksan kenraali ja sotamarsalkka Wilhelm Keitel ja marsalkka C.G.E. Mannerheim.
The photo will be debated by Emperor Chancellor Adolf Hitler, German General and Military Staff Wilhelm Keitel and Marshal C.G.E. Mannerheim

Valtakunnankansleri Adolf Hitler lahjoitti Mannerheimille kolme Steyr 1500 A/02 kommandeurwage Ktz 21 -maastoautoa. Ne oli tuotu Immolan jo pari päivää ennen tapaamista
Emperor Chancellor Adolf Hitler donated three Steyr 1500 A / 02 commandeurwage Ktz 21 mast trucks to Mannerheim. They were imported Immola a few days before the meeting

Marsalkka Mannerheimin syntymäpäivillä vieraillut Adolf Hitler siirtyy lankkusiltaa pitkin saksalaisten neuvotteluun Ruokolahdella. Taustalla näkyy myös ylipäällikkö Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim
Adolf Hitler, who has visited Marsalkka Mannerheim's birthday, goes to the German negotiation at Ruokolahti along the trench road. Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim is also in the background.

Adolf Hitler Immolan lentokentällä lähdössä takaisin Saksaan. Kuvassa vasemmalta tasavallan presidentti Rytin adjutantti Börje Lennartson Söderström,
marsalkka Mannerheim,
tasavallan presidentti Risto Ryti,
Adolf Hitler,
kenraalisotamarsalkka Wilhelm Keitel ja
oikealla mustassa asepuvussa Saksan Suomen-suurlähettiläs Wipert von Blücher
Adolf Hitler Immola's airport going back to Germany.
In the picture, on the left, the deputy Bytes Lennartson Söderström,
President of the Republic, Rytin
Marshal Mannerheim,
President of the Republic Risto Ryti,
Adolf Hitler,
Major General Wilhelm Keitel and
on the right, in the black uniform, German Ambassador Wipert von Blücher.
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