Between 120 and 280 Soviet aircraft were shot down.
The Finnish army reported that 8,561 men were wounded, missing, and/or killed in action. According to Finnish historian Ohto Manninen, the Soviets reported their losses as about 18,000–22,000 killed or wounded, based on the daily and 10-day summary casualty reports of the Soviet 21st Army. The uncertainty about casualties rises from the fact that 25 percent of the forces of the 21st Army didn't participate in the battle.
In addition to the losses of the Soviet 21st Army, the 6th Rifle Corps of the Soviet 23rd Army that attacked east of the 21st Army closer to Vuoksi waterway suffered 7905 casualties, of which 1458 were killed in action (KIA) and 288 missing in action (MIA), without taking the losses of its supporting formations into account

Infantry Regiment 12 (Continuation War)
Enemy Bomber cut off the road in Ihantala.
Ihantala, JR 12 area 1944.07.11

Ihantala road crossing signs.

Finnish artillery fire was the heaviest in the country's military history. It was based on the famed fire correction method of Finnish Artillery General Vilho Petter Nenonen, which enabled easy fire correction and quick changes of targets.
At the critical Ihantala sector of the battle, the Finnish defenders managed to concentrate their fire to the extent of smashing the advancing Soviet spearhead.
The clever fire control system enabled as many as 21 batteries, totaling some 250 guns, to fire at the same target simultaneously in the battle; the fire controller did not need to be aware of the location of individual batteries to guide their fire, which made quick fire concentration and target switching possible.
The Finnish artillery fired altogether over 122,000 rounds of ordnance. This concentration was considered a world record at the time. These fire missions managed to halt and destroy Soviet forces that were assembling at their jumping off points. On thirty occasions the Soviet forces destroyed were larger than battalion size.

Our artillery fire place. In the background: birch iron. side "Josef Stalin" and "Sotka" side by side, on the right side of the birch, also the destroyed "Sotka". In addition, at the right branch of the branch branch, a fallen, destroyed "Sotka"
Sotka is a T-34 long 86 tube (Sotka = Aythya fuligula).

After the battle, tobacco. Armor strike and shooter with weapons.
Ihantala, JR 12 area 1944.07.11

The rugged terrain of the shells in the direction of Ihantala.
Colonel Hanste inspect the traces
Ihantala, JR 12 area 1944.07.11

Armored bull and a shooter in his position.

Examination of the remains of T-34/86
Ihantala, JR 12 area 1944.07.11

T-34 armor drivers tomb.
The cross is a Finnish soldier who wrote the uncle of Russia
Ihantala, JR 12 area 1944.07.11

SMG shooter. Sotamies P.Kanervikko Ihantalan "Cemetary" block.

Commitators in the negotiation.
Lieutenant General Laatikainen on the right, in the center of General Fable and Left. Colonel Hanste.
The picture was taken on the edge of Ihantala on July 10, 1944 in the evening.

Investigating motor vehicles.
Ihantala, JR 12 area 1944.07.10

Lieutenant-Colonel Airimo, battalion commander in JR 12.
Commander of the battalion with the nearest officers in front of his dungeon.
Ihantala 1944.07.14

Training at the front. (Men of JR 12)

Infantry Group leader, Undercover Schroderus Coffee Soup Wood.
Ihantala, JR 12 area 1944.07.11

A machine gun man ready to fire at the grenade hole.
Ihantala, JR 12 area 1944.07.11

Snooping time during battles.
Ihantala, JR 12 area 1944.07.11

6./JR 12 command post.
Lieutenants S. Mikkonen, E. Heikkilä, R. Purhonen, Second Lieutenant H. Haikala. August 1941.
Kiesting's front

The battle-sending crossing opens in the direction of Ihantala.

The team leader is the front-runner in the inspection round.
Sergeant Lohela with her husband in front of Ihanantala's crossroads.

Sleeping time in yard of a house at edge of the village of Ihantala. Man fun with his friends.

Over-Sergeant, "Panzerschrecks" shooter Esko Määttä, which destroyed the turn Ihantala June-July four enemy armor half hour battle.
Ihantala, JR 12 area 1944.07.11

An armored man waiting for a new goal. Behind is destroyed T 34.

Jägäre Mielty, an enemy armor destroyer. Ihantala, JR 12 area 1944.07.11

The 18-year-old anti-armor Koskinen aiming for armored bazookas
Ihantala, JR 12 area 1944.07.11

The JSU-152 type of assault rifle has been destroyed at the Ihantala crossroads. Ihantala, JR 12 area 1944.07.11

At the well. Refresh yourself to thirst during July's battle days

submachine men's rest time

The armor-bearer is waiting. In the background, destroyed an enemy tank.

Armored Horror shooter in position

The road under fire is crossed in Ihantala.

More neighbor's armors are coming whit road
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Any explosive ammunition or empty cores, you can put in this.